Saturday 16 June 2007

Random pictures

I laughed when I saw this. Ming, this picture is so so suitable for you.

This was the average temperature.

Pity I could not take a picture with all these giant ice cream! Yummy!
One of my favourite pictures! I love snow foxes!
The Ai Nu people are so friendly. I wanted to take a picture with the nice granny and ended up taking this picture. This I could not resist. The kids are so cute and they waved at us when they passed by. I ran to take a picture and Ah Goh (one of my tour mates) told me that I was behaving like a kidnapper. Hmpt!

We called it "money more"...hahahah

Artist painting another artist
This could not resist. So cute!

Tour mates

I have not joined any tour group for many years.

Originally a bit worried but soon that was put to rest.

They are all very considerate and friendly people (heh heh)
We have the following groups of people:
a) Familes (Retiree Ah Goh is darn funny. Kept cracking jokes..and all with a wicked sense of humour. Lovey dovey to his wife too, can give the newlyweds serious competition)
b) 2 pair of honeymoon couples (one couple is darn cute. Very friendly too, the commando and his wife)
c) Friends
And hey guys..feel free to rip the pictures k.

Hong and Hubby (H&H)

Barbara and Philo

Philo (whose star sign is exactly like my aunt. She is super sweet, lent me her cap and in the end, decided to give it to me. So paiseh!)

Philo and me

Friday 15 June 2007

Makan Time!

Salmon steamboat
Crabs and vegetables

Super sweet strawberries!

Abalone anyone?
Dessert after a scumptious dinner
Steamboat again

Lots of yummy food and (sob sob), I put on weight.
Steamboat, buffet and lots of samplings ..sigh..additional 1 to 2 kg.

Darn it, this trip is not supposed to make me fatter.

Now I am 名副其实的胖姨姨了.


Flowers galore

There are so many pretty flowers that I could not resist snapping lots of pictures.

Enjoy :)

Pink Moss garden

2 words...simply gorgeous.

We were told that if we visited the place 3 weeks earlier, the scenery would be even more breathtaking.

One of my tour group members, Pat kindly gave me a push and I finally heaved up the slope and took this 2 pictures. By the way, I sat on the bare patch to take the pictures. Guess the previous tourists/locals(?) climbed up and "squashed" the flowers. Me not guilty of killing the flowers k.

Sapporo - Shiroi Koibito Park

Sapporo ("important river flowing through a plain" in Ainu language) is the capital of Hokkaido and Japan's fifth largest city. It is famous for ramen (heh heh, I did not eat ramen here) and the annual snow festival (which alas I missed)

One of my favourite places of interest in Sappporo is the Shiroi Koibito Park.

The park consists of various Disneyland style buildings, beautiful rose garden and the famous chocolate factory. I fell in love with this place for it does remind me of disney land and every thing magical. I would have dearly loved to linger here for the whole day but alas, had only 1 hour there.

Shiroi Koibito Park is owned by Ishiya, a local chocolate company. The company's flagship product are the Shiroi Koibito cookies (or what most people know as 白色恋人), two thin butter cookies with white chocolate in between, a mandatory item on the souvenir shopping list of most visitors to Hokkaido. I bought 2 packets only and munched one packet during the trip. The biscuit is soo lovely and so so expensive...sob.

There are windows for visitors to observe the production process of the chocolate cookies and lots of chocolate related exhibits.

When I went in for the chocolate factory tour (by the way, we were left behind by the tour guide..hmpt) and sneaked in with the korean tour group. Visitors can observe the production process of the chocolate cookies and most oomphed and ahhed while I regretted I could not snap pictures for my friend wanted to find our missing tour mates.

I also tried the cream puff which the tour guide Tomi san said would make one weep out of sheer happiness. It is DELICIOUS! Pity I could not buy it back for you have to eat it immediately.

I really love the rose garden and took lots of pictures here. Yup, me cannot resist the lovely roses and even snapped pictures at a shop selling rose products.